This section is dedicated to our hardworking Marvin teachers and staff members. We appreciate you more than we can say!
Meet A Star Teacher
Name: Lindsay Mumbach
Grade: Third
How long have you been teaching?
I have been at Marvin since 2004. Oh my. My third-grade math skills are telling me that’s 17 years! I interned at Marvin, then student taught here and I never left - and I never want to. I really feel like it’s home.
What do you love about teaching third grade?
I love that every day is different, it's never boring, and I get to meet new children every year. What I find the most special is when I hear from students many years later.
A "teacher" quote of yours:
"It's ok not to know, but it's not ok not to try." It's more about effort and less about knowledge, you know? I think that goes for everything in life.
We know how hard teachers are working this year. What can parents do to help you?
Ha! Nothing - parents are doing all they can right now. I wouldn't ask them to do anything else. The support of the Marvin parents is amazing and keeps us going!
Who is in this picture with you?
This my husband Matt, Grady (11) and Molly (7). We go on a lot of hikes!
By the way, Mrs. Mumbach made time for this interview while she was teaching third grade, preparing for & hosting parent conferences and working on a thesis paper for her remedial reading and literacy certification at the University of Bridgeport.
We are tired just typing all that and know the Marvin community will join us in congratulating Mrs. Mumbach on receiving her certification next May!
What we love about Mrs. Mumbach!
"There are simply no words to even begin to express how much Mrs. Mumbach means to our family. She had both of my children in 3rd grade (back to back years). She was (and is) incredibly kind, patient, loving, and fun (yet tough when she needs to be).
I remember our first parent-teacher conference for our son where she said he needed a "little push." I remember thanking her and thinking to myself "wow, what an amazing teacher; she just called out my son but did so in such a caring and compassionate way." It's clear she wanted the best for him (and all her students).
She also stood by our family as my daughter navigated significant health issues at the beginning of the pandemic. She would set aside time out of her day to work 1:1 with Emma, she would call on weekends to create a schedule for the following week, and would check-in regularly to see how we were all doing - something she didn't have to do. She did this in addition to teaching a virtual classroom of 20+ students at the onset of a pandemic all while simultaneously balancing motherhood, too.
Seeing how she did it all with such grace is something I'll never forget. We love you Mrs. Mumbach!"
- Marissa Mangone, parent of Emma and Will
"Mrs. Mumbach is so nice and thoughtful. I loved being in her class because we had fun, laughed and learned a lot. She helped me when I was struggling in school and always had a smile on her face. Mrs. Mumbach is the best!"
- Will Mangone, age 11, previous student
"Mrs. Mumbach always helped me. She is very thoughtful and kind. The thing I love most about Mrs. Mumbach is her personality because she's so nice in all types of ways. I loved celebrating the holidays in her class. And I loved getting to read to Molly, too!"
- Emma Mangone, age 9, previous student
Thank you, Mrs. Mumbach, for all you do for Marvin students!